The Terms of Service guide the relationship between BTCRepublic (herein referred to as “We” or “Our) and its users (herein referred to as “You” or “User.”)

You agree to these Terms of Service by continuing to use this site. If you disagree with anything contained in these terms, kindly discontinue using this website immediately.

Content and Copyright

All the content published on this site is the exclusive property of BTCRepublic, and it is protected under the applicable copyrights and other propriety rights. The content remains the intellectual property of BTCRepublic, its affiliated companies, suppliers, and licensors.

We uphold the right to protect the content published on this site to the full extent of the law.

Users on this site can only use the information published herein for personal and non-commercial use. A visitor cannot redistribute this information to any other parties without the prior consent of the company.

If you wish to use the content published on this site in any other manner other than personal and non-commercial use, submit an email to for consideration and approval.

User Conduct

If you upload, post, or submit any content on the website, you represent that you hold all the legal rights to do so without violating any law or the rights of any person.

Users are prohibited from uploading, distributing, or publishing defamatory, pornographic, obscene, abusive or illegal material. You are prohibited from impersonating anyone or misrepresenting your identity, status, or affiliation.

You shall not provide misleading information knowingly with intent to defraud. You are prohibited from uploading, distributing, or publishing any malware, viruses, spyware, and malicious software or files.

You agree that you will not threaten or abuse other users, use defamatory language, or spam other users. You agree you will not discriminate against other users based on their race, sexual preference, gender, nationality, religion, age, disability, region, etc.

Hate speech of any kind is prohibited on BTCRepublic and could lead to immediate and permanent suspension of access to our site.

You are solely responsible for any comments you make on our site. BTCRepublic is not responsible for the content of these comments. We reserve the right to delete or edit comments against our terms of user conduct.

If you submit or comment on BTCRepublic, you consent to its publication or display on the site and for any promotional uses.


You are not to access or use the content published on BTCRepublic to take action that could harm us or a third party.

You are prohibited from using our content to violate applicable laws or violate our intellectual property rights or those of third parties.

You shall not access any content, services, data, or information you do not have permission or authorization to access. You shall not use software to circumvent any restrictions or technological measures controlling access to our site’s information.

You shall not engage in activities that will cause unreasonable and avoidable large loads of traffic on our network and infrastructure. You are prohibited from damaging o altering the appearance and the functionality of the website.

If you engage in these prohibited activities, you might face civil, criminal, or administrative fines and penalties. We might also impose sanctions against a user or those assisting a user in committing these violations.

Limitation of Liability

BTCRepublic does not offer any warranties for the information published on our site. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from interception by third parties of the information you access on our site.

BTCRepublic, its affiliates, management, employees, third-party partners, or software will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the failure or interruption of our site, the information contained herein, and the products and services offered.

BTCRepublic will not be liable for the transmission of viruses that may affect user equipment or lead to unauthorized access, theft, operator errors, strikes, or labor problems.

The company does not guarantee the site’s uninterrupted, secure, and continuous use.


BTCRepublic is committed to abiding by intellectual property and copyright laws. If you believe that any of our content constitutes copyright infringement, write a complaint to or contact us with the following details:

  • The owner of the intellectual property
  • A description of the material in question
  • A statement by the complainant made under the penalty of perjury
  • Contact details of the complainant

Changes to Terms of Service

Note that we are constantly updating our Terms of Service and might add, remove, or alter some segments without prior notifications. Any changes will become effective immediately as soon as they are posted.

You must review these Terms of Service before using our site and services.