You consent to this disclaimer using BTCRepublic and agree to the terms and conditions.

This disclaimer is subject to change without any prior notice. You agree to any changes made to this disclaimer by using the site.

Users are encouraged to review the policy regularly alongside our terms and conditions.

Informational Purposes

All the content published on BTCRepublic is solely for informational purposes. This information is not investment, financial, legal, or tax advice. BTCRepublic does not solicit investments or recommend any service, product, security, or investment strategy.

Any action you take by reading our content is at your own risk. We will not be liable for any losses or damages from using our website or trading cryptocurrencies.  

All users are encouraged to research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.

User Responsibility

Users on this site should NOTE that cryptocurrency trading involves HIGH RISK, and you MAY LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY. Cryptocurrency prices’ unpredictable and volatile nature might cause significant losses within a short period.

BTCRepublic shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages arising from investing in cryptocurrencies mentioned on this site.


Any promotions on this site are subject to the relevant regulatory requirements and restrictions. BTCRepublic does not promote any financial activity violating applicable laws and regulations.

You are solely responsible for any promotion or advertising on this site. The site strives to comply with the applicable laws and regulations in different jurisdictions.

You are prohibited from promoting illegal content or content that violates financial promotion laws, regulations, and guidelines in your respective jurisdiction. BTCRepublic shall not be held liable for any consequences from user promotions.

Third-Party Links

BTCRepublic links to external websites through hyperlinks. While we work to ensure these external websites’ safety, reliability, and authenticity, we have no authority over their content. These external links do not imply BTCRepublic’s recommendation for these sites.

By following these external links, you are leaving our website. Take note of these external sites’ privacy policies and Terms of Use before interacting with them.

By continuing to use our site, you acknowledge that we shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising from such websites. BTCRepublic shall not be liable or accountable directly or indirectly for any damage or loss caused or allegedly caused by these third-party links.

Geographical Restrictions

BTCRepublic strives to comply with the relevant laws across multiple jurisdictions. This site and the content contained herein are not intended for use or distribution to any person or entity residing in a jurisdiction where the availability, publication, use, or distribution is prohibited under the applicable laws and regulations.

Users are solely responsible for complying with their respective jurisdictions’ applicable laws and regulations. BTCRepublic shall not be responsible for any violations arising from using the information and content provided on this site.

In most jurisdictions, cryptocurrencies are classified as high-risk investments. We also recognize that retail investments might be barred in some jurisdictions and accepted in others.

If you reside in a country where retail investors cannot invest in cryptocurrencies, exit this site immediately.

By continuing to access and use this site, you acknowledge you are not a resident of a country that prohibits retail cryptocurrency investments. You also accept the risks associated with high-risk crypto investments, such as the potential loss of all your investments.


BTCRepublic does not claim the accuracy, reliability, availability, validity, or completeness of the information on this site.

While the information published on this site is provided in good faith, we do not make any representation or warranty of any kind or otherwise imply that the content on this site is factual, adequate, valid, reliable, and complete.

We do not make any warranty or representation that the information on this site will always be accurate and up to date. We do not make any guarantee of the specific results you get from using our site.

Users can only rely on the information on this website at their own risk. BTCRepublic shall not assume any liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions present in the content of our site.

We do not make any representation or warranty that the content published on our site is suitable for commercial purposes. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the data outlined in the content or the advice on business decisions.

Site Security

We ensure our site is secure and free of errors, malware, and viruses. We advise users to practice best internet practices to safeguard their internet security. We also urge users to protect their computers and personal details.